Tuesday, December 1, 2009

World War I Causes

There are many causes of the First World War and to be quite honest, this war was very unnecessary. There are more root causes of this war than actual direct causes. Some root causes consist of: Mutual defense alliances, imperialism, and militarism. Mutual defense alliances are a root cause because over time, countries throughout Europe made mutual defense agreements that would pull them into battle. If one country was attacked, the other country that agreed to defend them in warfare would get dragged in on it and then so on and so forth. After a while, they didn’t know what they were fighting for and who they were fighting against.
Imperialism is when a country brings an abundance of wealth and power by taking control of a territory. The sudden want and need for greater empires and power pushed the world into this World War. This shows what power and wealth can do to people. Everyone felt safe because they had their big armies, wealth, and many secret alliances with countries but when countries turned on other countries it brought in all of the other countries that agreed to help them in warfare. Within a month, it was a World War! America tried to stay out of it, in fact we did for two years but obviously, we also got dragged in.

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