Sunday, December 6, 2009

What I learned from the novel, The Great Gatsby

When you read a book, you hope that by the end of the story that you will have something to take from the author’s writing. Weather it be a life lesson, a reminder of something you needed to hear, or just a helpful hint to use in life.
There are many things to take from the novel, The Great Gatsby, but one particular thing for me was to never give up on love and to love with all of your heart. When you say the words “I love you”, to truly mean it. Those words have meaning and convey affection to the person that is receiving it. Love can be a very powerful thing if you let it be. Gatsby never gave up on loving Daisy even though Nick, towards the end, told him to move on. It also taught me to never be afraid of love because if you are, then you’ll never find true happiness with yourself or your life. I pray that we all find love like that for someone special in our lives. This novel also shows the effects of tragedies on people. Once Myrtle was killed, Wilson became obsessed with finding the driver, who he thought was also the lover, which he assumed it was Gatsby because it was his nice yellow car. He had no facts and no sure evidence that Gatsby was the adulterer with Myrtle, he just assumed. His assumption concluded with him murdering Gatsby and then committing suicide. Tragedies will happen in our lifetime but we must know how to deal with them; with the help of God and the healing of time. This novel also helped me learn more about the life style and the affairs of the nineteen twenties era.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Casting Crowns

“Praise You In This Storm”

When someone asks me what is the most inspiring Christian song I know, the first song I think of is by Casting Crowns called “Praise You In This Storm”. Every time I am going through something personal and heart aching I listen to this song and it reminds me to always give Him to glory; no matter what happens. It says “and though my heart is torn, I will praise you in this storm” which is easier said than done but we as Christians must do it. All of Casting Crowns songs are so wonderfully worded and truly comforts me when they sing about how the Lord holds my tears in his hands and how He never leaves my side. It makes me feel not as alone as I felt before I listened to the song. Us Village Christian Academy students have been through a lot this year, I know I have and this song assures me that we are never alone in the vicious storms of our lives.
Another song that also brings chills down my spine and tears to my eyes is “East to West” by Casting Crowns. God says that He will cast our sins as far as the east is from the east and in this song he sings “How far is the east from the west?” It also says “In your arms of mercy I find rest” which also gives me peace inside and it also lets me know that anytime I sin, He shows me mercy. I know when terrible things happen to me, my friends, or family, I feel so alone and broken. This line lets me know that I can be cradled in God’s arms anytime I want.

World War I Causes

There are many causes of the First World War and to be quite honest, this war was very unnecessary. There are more root causes of this war than actual direct causes. Some root causes consist of: Mutual defense alliances, imperialism, and militarism. Mutual defense alliances are a root cause because over time, countries throughout Europe made mutual defense agreements that would pull them into battle. If one country was attacked, the other country that agreed to defend them in warfare would get dragged in on it and then so on and so forth. After a while, they didn’t know what they were fighting for and who they were fighting against.
Imperialism is when a country brings an abundance of wealth and power by taking control of a territory. The sudden want and need for greater empires and power pushed the world into this World War. This shows what power and wealth can do to people. Everyone felt safe because they had their big armies, wealth, and many secret alliances with countries but when countries turned on other countries it brought in all of the other countries that agreed to help them in warfare. Within a month, it was a World War! America tried to stay out of it, in fact we did for two years but obviously, we also got dragged in.