Sunday, September 20, 2009

Britney Spears!

People say that Britney Spears is a "wack job" or a "freak", honestly I completely disagree. Britney did go through a rough time but hey, who doesn't? Everyone, at some point in their lives, goes through a rough time in their life. The difference between our rough times and Britney Spears' is that she is famous which means, cameras and reporters following her around everywhere she goes which makes her tough time in her life even worse.

The Britney Spears concert that my friends and I went to recently in Greensboro, North Carolina, I think was Britney's way of letting everyone know that she is okay; that she is even stronger than she was before all of that mess in her life happened. The concert was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! The dancing and graphics of the concert was the best part of it and of course the dancing and singing along to "Hit Me Baby One More Time". My friends and I grew up listening to her songs so it was loads of fun being able to reminisce on the good ol' days.

Even though Britney Spears is not the best singer to listen to, she is a marvalous entertainer. Also her music is just a time where girls can let their hair down and sing as loudly as they possibly can to relieve stress or just to sing with the girlfriends in the car.

So the next time people are gossiping about Brtiney Spears and her life, that she is allowed to go through bad times in her life just like we do. Also remember that she is a human being just like you and me.


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